Saturday, September 7, 2013

Beloved teacher sentenced to 26 years for what, exactly?

Alleged to have asked two boys to "stick their hands in his pockets in search of a wallet," 29-year-old Shane Vicars, with no criminal history, but surrounded by a crowd of supporters and dozens of letters of support, was sentenced to 26 years for "child molestation."

Deputy District Attorney Shauna Franklin, however, redefined the alleged pocket-search as "substantial sexual conduct" -- and Judge Emily E. Vasquez more than agreed.

According to the Sacramento Bee, "a large crowd" packed a Sacramento courtroom on Friday to support Shane Adair Vicars, who they refused to believe was guilty of allegations from an angry family that Vicars "took little boys in the Sierra Oaks after-school program to secluded spots on campus, gave them candy and had them stick their hands in his pockets in search of a wallet that he said got stuck." Nonetheless, while "defense attorney Shannon Baker sought probation and a county jail term that would have had him released" Judge Vasquez apparently thought her 26-year sentence was lenient (rather than the max term of 32 years), and that she'd settled on her lenient sentence  "because of Vicars' previous standing as a productive citizen and because of his lack of a prior criminal record."

Proof, again, that Sacramento County DAs and Judges are absolutely batshit crazy where child molestation cases are concerned. Note that the man who murdered his mother via 70+ stab wounds, sentenced just last week, will likely be eligible for parole before Vicars.

Read more here:

Read more at the Bee.

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